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Robert Pană


20+ years in executive management and corporate governance

Worked with top organizations such as BVB, Hidroelectrica, and Swiss Capital

In depth expertise with financial markets and regulations

Radu Fărnoagă

Chief Geologist

40+ years experience in geothermal water, and oil and gas drilling

Oversees all geological aspects related to drilling and exploitation of geothermal wells

Broad expertise in geology, hydrogeology and geophysics

Lars A. Haussmann

President | Board

20+ years as a leader in finance and investments

Leads the largest European portfolio of geothermal wells

Extensive experience in economic and accounting sectors

Horia Pitulea

CEO | Board

10+ years in geothermal energy and management

Led Green Tech to EUR240 million IPO in 2024

Background in engineering and business administration

Gabriel Dumitraşcu

Business Development | Board

25+ years in technical and political fields

Developed robust business strategies for Green Tech

Extensive expertise as manager and board member of major companies in the electrical and thermal energy field

Dragoş Gavriluță

Chief Operating Officer

25+ years in finance, operations and general management

Experience in B2B and B2C, both in Europe and North America

Expertise in operations, finance, continuous improvement and project management

Cristian Nae

Non-Executive Board

20+ years in electronics and telecommunications

Experience with major banks like BCR and CEC Bank

Expertise in financial technology and banking

Bruce Borntraeger


15+ years in private markets and banking

Worked with top financial institutions like ABN AMRO

Deep experience with global private markets

Sustainable Development Goals

Link to external resources

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